Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Freigeist Bierkulter Kopenickiade (Berliner-Style Weisse)

Lots of crazy German beers lately but the Brown Derby near me has such a good selection at such a good price that there's no reason not to try them, and they are all so amazing that they're worth more than they charge compared to the domestics.  Here's the review.

Appearance:  A pale, cloudy gold.  A great excited head that faded quickly
Smell:  I smell the sour yeast and not much else.
Taste:  But I don't taste the sour yeast!  I was told this beer would be sour but it's almost more of a sour tang.  I taste more of a wine in the back.
Feel:  This is just dry enough to were you want another sip, but not so dry you think you have cotton mouth.
Overall:  At 3.5% alcohol this beer would be great anytime.  It might not go well with a salad but anything meaty or savory I would imagine would be perfect.

Weihenstephaner Original Premium (Lager)

Appearance:  Great looking lager! Bright and golden.
Smell: Very mild but a bit like opening a loaf of bread.  Once I noticed it though I couldn't seem to smell the beer anymore.
Taste:  A little lemon and I noticed what to me was coriander but from other reviews a lot of people notice pepper so I think it was right in between on that note.
Feel:  Slightly dry with a bubliness at the lips that didn't reach the tongue.  Pretty refreshing.
Overall:  Best Lager?  Very Possibly!  I'll have to try some other for a good side by side comparison but the beer is amazing.  The whole line of Weihenstephaner is price around 3.50 a bottle so a way better deal than whatever any gas station is offering.  10/10, try it out!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Weihenstephaner Doppelbock Korbinian

Appearance:  Very very dark but not black, almost a red brown.

Aroma:  Malts and spices with what seems like a touch of the yeast

Taste:  A taste of charred oak, reminds me of bourbon aged beer.  Pretty strong but not overbearing.

Feel:  Thick and creamy, which is great for the stronger flavor.

Overall:  If the charred oak flavor was any stronger I couldn't handle it, so considering it's balanced enough to not be too strong of flavor, I like this beer though I would wait before picking it up again.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Schlafly Pale Ale

Appearance: Orange and brown( okay, copper), clear with a nice head at first that settled down into a little wisp.

Aroma: I smelled nothing at first but with patience came malts and a citrus orange note.

Taste: Right away I tasted some good malts with enough of a citrus taste to make me feel like there was already an orange slice in my glass. It wasn't too strong but just right.  

Feel: A little dry but just enough to make you want to take another sip.

Overall: I haven't tried many pale ales I've liked, but either my pallet is getting bigger or this is just a really good pale ale. Probably both but oh well.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weihensaphaner Vitus Weizenbock

Appearance: A very nice golden with good head. Cloudy

Aroma: A good bit of banana nut bread with some other mildly fruity flavors

Taste: Bananas! After a few drinks there are more wheat notes pronounced

Feel: Very smooth but has substance. More thick than watery

Overall: Very smooth, very drinkable. However rather fruity and carbonated. One or two bottles would be great with dinner but not recommended for an evening of drinking unless you are sharing the rest of the bottles.

The New Best Beer Blog

This is going to be a beer blog, and this is the final destination you'll ever need in deciding the next beer you'll need.  Maybe not, but none the less I am Chris and I try lots of beer and am always delving into the other branches of alcohol. I'm mostly doing this so I can keep track of what I've had in a convenient fashion, but I'm going to try and make this informative and professional.  I'm learning as I go but practice makes perfect.  That's it, I hope you enjoy.